Monday, August 22, 2011

It Only Takes One

It on ly takes one...

… bad apple to spoil the whole bunch
… wave to wreck a sand castle
… spark to get a fire going
… to change a lightbulb…
… to change the course of history…

Telemachus, a fourth century monk, felt God calling him to Rome. When he got to Rome, people were running about the city in great confusion. He had arrived on a day when the gladiators were going to fight in the Coliseum. Everyone was heading there to watch the entertainment.

Telemachus thought this must be why God had called him to Rome. He walked into the Coliseum, and sat down among the 80,000 people who cheered as the gladiators came out proclaiming, “Hail Caesar! We die to the glory of Caesar.”

The little monk thought to himself, Here we are, four centuries after Christ, in a civilized nation, and people are killing one another for the entertainment of the crowd.

Telemachus got up out of his seat, ran down the steps, climbed over the wall, walked out to the center of the amphitheater and stood between two large gladiators. Putting his hands up, he meekly cried out, “In the name of Christ, stop!” The crowd laughed and jeered. One of the gladiators slapped Telemachus in the stomach with his sword and sent him spinning off into the dust.

Telemachus got up again and stood between the two huge gladiators. He repeated, “In the name of Christ, stop.” This time the crowd chanted “Run him through!” One of the gladiators took his sword and ran it through Telemachus’ stomach. He fell into the dust and the sand turned red as blood ran out of him. One last time, Telemachus weakly cried out, “In the name of Christ, stop.” He died on the amphitheater floor.

The crowd grew silent, and within minutes they emptied out of the Coliseum. History records that thanks to Telemachus this was the last gladiator contest in the history of the Roman Empire.

It only takes one… 

When we look at the beauty of where we live it often overshadows the fact that there are some serious problems in our community.
… Houses are getting broken into and destroyed…
… vandalism and violence are increasing…
… drug and alcohol use is rampant among the youth…
We need to fight for our community, our children, and take a stand. There is such a thing as right and wrong, and though many would deny it, we need to uphold what is good and right and true.

It is time to stop turning a blind eye towards the problems in this town and do something about it. You have the opportunity to make a difference. Will it take work? Yes. Will you be the most popular person in town? Probably Not!! Will it be worth it? Most Definitely!!

You can be ONE who changes the course of history for West Kelowna and beyond.

God loves to use one person to make a big difference in the world, and He wants to use you.

Give me a call and let’s talk… 250.769.5481

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


As the current golf season gets into full gear I am hoping to play more than I did last year. One of my favorite golf terms is “Mulligans.” The infamous term in golf, for those like me, that comes into play when you hit one of those shots that you just wish you could do over again… You know, the topped my ball, out of bounds, in the water, rolled into the bunker, stuck behind a tree kind of shot that won’t do anything to help your score. In a friendly game the usual set is one for each nine holes, and if you play the video golf version you can arrange the settings to have as many as you want…

Staples has produced a product that for them is a symbol of the simplicity in finding the answers to business life, the “Big Easy Button.” When you’re in an office jam you push the button and the answers will just be there. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a “Do-Over Button” that functioned as a “Mulligan” for life? How many times have we wished to have a conversation over again, or done something differently, or acted differently and if we could go back and change it our lives would be so much better… or at least more peaceful…

“IF is half of LIFE.” I know for myself that making “WHAT IF” statements will not change what has already happened, and really has no benefit other than to help me make a different decision in a similar situation in the future. Sometimes you can get so stuck on what took place in the past that you can’t let go of it, and it actually prevents you from moving forward. Hanging onto what could have been leads to holding grudges, complacency, indecision and the inability to be functional. In a sense living the “IF” does swallow up half of your life…

Letting go of what might have been and looking forward to the potential of what could be is not an easy step. Life would be so much easier if we had a “Magic 8 Ball.” Maybe you remember that toy as a child and asking a question then shaking the ball and waiting for an answer to appear. To have that information at our disposal now would be of tremendous benefit, but it would also rob us of one of the most important parts of life…FAITH. With the answer to tomorrow in front of us the aspect of faith would be removed. Faith is sometimes spelled R-I-S-K, because it is a decision to move forward without knowing exactly what tomorrow is going to bring or where it will take you…

For some, tomorrow is no worry at all because they have faith in God and know that He is more than capable to handle what tomorrow will bring. All “Mulligans”, “Easy Buttons” and “Magic 8 Balls” aside, the only true guarantee with regards to tomorrow is to place your trust in God. He took care of yesterday, is looking after today and will be present tomorrow, and He wants you to put your faith and trust in Him. We only have the opportunity to go through life once, and then we have to answer for our actions during this life (Hebrews -28).

You can “IF” your way through “LIFE,” or you can LIVE your life in FAITH.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Lord is My Shepherd

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, and even on those days when I would say life is in turmoil, it is good to know that God is watching out for me. The Bible speaks on a continuous basis of God being our Shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd and as such He cares for each sheep in the flock. Psalm 23 relates to us the relationship that we can have with the Shepherd if we choose to follow Him.

The Lord is my shepherd, -- I have made a choice to have God as the one who leads me                            and guides me.

I shall not be in want, -- As God has made everything and has everything to supply my                              needs, I do not need to worry about the basics of life, but simply need to trust Him to supply them.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters – As my Shepherd, God knows that I need to take time out of the busy pace of life to rest.

He restores my soul -- It is in those moments that He refreshes me and renews me to meet                         the pace of life. When God made the world He worked six days and on the seventh he rested. How many of us take the time to rest and be refreshed. Part of being refreshed comes from spending time with the Shepherd

He guides me in paths of righteousness – God’s intent for my life is to show me the right                           way to live and when I spend time with Him, my values for life will be in line with His

For His name’s sake – the reason I exist and the purpose for what I do every do in my actions, in my words, and in dealing with others is to make God’s Good Name known. When others look at my life they are to see that God is my Shepherd

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, -- There are times in life                               when it does not seem that like God is near, or that he even cares about                               me. It is in these times that we ask the questions, “WHY GOD?” and we                                   are often baffled by the lack of response. It is during these times in life                                that we need to realize the good and the bad of life just happen, but God                           does not change. The role of the Shepherd and the way He cares for us                         
                         does not change, what happens is that we tend to wander off from the flock.

I will fear no evil, for You are with me – There is no need to worry or fear in the darker                              moments of life, if we take the time to stop and realize that God is right                                     there with us. The shepherd cares for his sheep on the peaceful sunny days
                               and on the stormiest days of life as well.

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me – When I get myself into trouble through the                              choices of my life, the Shepherd’s crook is the rod that beats away the predators and enemies that want to attack me, and at the same time the staff can hook me and pull me back when the Shepherd sees me going a                                   direction that I shouldn’t.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies – The situation of life does                            not affect whether or not the goodness of God is before me. It is always                                 present, and sometimes even more so when the trials of life seem most difficult.

You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows – When I choose to live my life with the    Shepherd’s guidance, following the flock and listening to His direction, then I will live     with God’s blessing in my life.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, -- The gentle guiding hand of         God will provide for me during my life, as I live under His goodness and enjoy the    benefits of his love for me.  John says… “For God so loved the world that He gave    his only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” To     accept the Shepherd’s guiding hand and experience the benefits of a life under His care,   we need to begin a relationship with Him. This is through accepting that Jesus died on the cross for us to pay a price we could not pay for ourselves. Romans says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans says, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Won’t you take a moment today to look at your life? What eternal benefits do you live with, or are all your benefits only for the here and now? It is time to make the decisions in your life that will    enable you to say,

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are You Watching What You're Watching?

Have you ever asked the question of your kids, “What are you watching?”, “What are you playing?” or “What are you listening to?”, only to receive a generic response. “It’s a good show…”, “Just a game (video)…” or “All the kids in my class listen to this.”

I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the music, movies and media that scream out at my kids everyday. With the plethora of choices bombarding our kids everyday, how can we keep tabs on what they are allowing to influence their minds?

We tend to live in a bubble of naïve thinking that wants to believe what they are listening to; watching on the TV or playing on their favorite video game is not affecting them. It is time that we take some responsibility for what we are allowing our children to feed their minds with. When you take a trip to the video store, do you really know what is on the movie or video game you are renting for your kids? When your child asks for the latest music CD do you know its content? It is time for us to take a serious look at what our children are asking us for instead of trying to placate their every request.

Instead of blindly saying yes to their suggestions for a rental, take the time to really look at what they will be viewing or listening to. Look for the rating symbols on the products and see if it is really something your child should have.

The real question in regards to the whole aspect of what you are watching, has very little to do with the media. The question is, “What are your Boundaries?” You need to know what your limits are and clearly communicate these to your children. Then they will know ahead of time whether the movie, music or video game is suitable for them.

What do I do as a parent when I don’t have a clue about half of the things they are listening to, playing and watching? I’m glad you asked. There are plenty of parent helps available online, and one of the best that I have found to date is This site is sponsored by Focus on the Family and provides a detailed breakdown of the content in the songs, background on the music group, the details of a movie including language content, sexual content, violent acts, as well as a review and more. This has been an invaluable site to me in the review of all forms of media, and allows me to be informed about what my children are watching as well as everything else that is out there.

The Bible tells us that what we take into our bodies, into our minds, directly corresponds to what comes out of our mouth, our minds. “Garbage in, Garbage out!!” It works the other way as well, “Good in, Good out!!”

As parents it is our duty to guard the hearts and minds of our children and to allow them to be just that, “children.” They will grow up fast enough with out all of the input of the world and the media around them. So ask yourself the question on a regular basis. Are you watching what you’re watching?